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Strong and Capable Flower Essence Blend


Sold By: Saskia Flower Essences


This flower essence blend for men is for those times when you feel unsure of yourself and need encouragement and reassurance of your inner strength and ability.

Sometimes we need outside support to remind us just what we are capable of and how powerful we really are. As you step into your power you allow others to do the same.

This blend contains essences to help you overcome negative thoughts and conditioning around masculinity, strength and power and what it is to truly love who you are.

Contains the energy imprint of:

Borage – courage

Carrot – creative discipline

Crab Apple – releasing guilt and shame

Dandelion – self confidence

Pine – inner strength

Potentilla – self love

Wild Garlic – universal support

If you don’t identify as male but are drawn to use these essence blends please do … flower essences are not gender specific in any way. However I know many men and boys who are struggling with the issues these blends address and wanted to make essences more accessible for those males who haven’t been drawn to use them before.

10% of all sales of this product will be donated to men’s wellness projects and charities.

Size: 30ml

Flower Essences are usually taken as drops under the tongue

Ingredients: Organic Vodka, Spring water, energy imprint of flowers


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About the Maker:

I am Saskia Marjoram. I have been working with flowers at different levels for my whole life. As a professional gardener for more than 30 years, and florist to HRH Prince of Wales for many years, I started making flower essences in 2003 with my friend and business partner for a long time Christine Felce. I am continually fascinated by how plants and humans interact and the wisdom they have to share with us. My deep love, friendship and knowledge of the flowers has continued to grow as I discover just how powerfully their energy affects, and interacts, with us.