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Living Life Lightly


This essence is for those times when life feels dreary and joyless, when everything feels heavy and difficult and you are lacking interest in anything at all.

Sold By: Saskia Flower Essences


This essence is for those times when life feels dreary and joyless, when everything feels heavy and difficult and you are lacking interest in anything at all.

It is designed to bring in the light, to lift you up, to bring you back to a place where there is joy in the little things, to feel playful and full of love for those around you and for life in general.

In today’s turbulent times where so much feels difficult and uncertain it is hard to come from a place of love and joy, to not feel burdened by everything that’s happening in the world. After the last few years many of us are longing to feel light and free. This essence can help with bringing us to a place where our spirits feel lighter and more able to fly unrestrained into the future.


Edelweiss – opening to all that is, creating a new reality

Wild Rose – coming back to your heart

Harebell – realignment

Cowslip – joyful playfulness

Dandelion Seed – releasing expectations

Willow – moving forward with grace

East Water River – being in the flow

Size: 30ml



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About the Maker:

I am Saskia Marjoram. I have been working with flowers at different levels for my whole life. As a professional gardener for more than 30 years, and florist to HRH Prince of Wales for many years, I started making flower essences in 2003 with my friend and business partner for a long time Christine Felce. I am continually fascinated by how plants and humans interact and the wisdom they have to share with us. My deep love, friendship and knowledge of the flowers has continued to grow as I discover just how powerfully their energy affects, and interacts, with us.