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My Personal Space Spray


Sold By: Saskia Flower Essences


Containing pure rosewater that Saskia has distilled herself from roses grown in Somerset.

This beautifully scented award winning spray is great for times in life when you need to be protected from other people’s energy and what they are thinking.
It is ideal for people working in offices or living communally, coping with being in crowded places, long-haul flights, buses, trains, people who are bullied, and for anyone with weak boundaries.

Sprayed directly onto your face it will also refresh and revive your skin as it absorbs the renowned healing benefits of roses.

It contains the following flower essences:
Yarrow – for psychic protection, separation of self from others
Borage – for coping with all life throws at you in a calm way
Walnut – for protection from what others think of you
Nettle – for standing up for yourself and maintaining your boundaries
Buttercup – for increasing your self confidence
Potentilla – for loving yourself just as you are

Recommended use: Spray directly onto your face whenever needed. This highly energetic pure rosewater is very lovely used as a face mist on freshly cleansed skin. It is slowly distilled by Saskia from freshly picked, highly scented, garden roses grown in Somerset and it smells gorgeous.

This spray comes in a 30ml glass bottle with a fine mist atomiser. It contains: Rosa damescena hydrosol(rosewater), 0.5% Sodium benzoate (preservative),0.5% Potassium sorbate (preservative), 0.32% abv alcohol. Energy imprint of Yarrow, Borage,Nettle, Buttercup, Potentilla and Walnut.


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About the Maker:

I am Saskia Marjoram. I have been working with flowers at different levels for my whole life. As a professional gardener for more than 30 years, and florist to HRH Prince of Wales for many years, I started making flower essences in 2003 with my friend and business partner for a long time Christine Felce. I am continually fascinated by how plants and humans interact and the wisdom they have to share with us. My deep love, friendship and knowledge of the flowers has continued to grow as I discover just how powerfully their energy affects, and interacts, with us.

rose picking

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