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Who are you, where are you from and what do you make?

I am Aquila – hands, mind and heart behind Ritual Studio. I have a small studio in Bridport, Dorset making small relics for your body. 


What inspires you?

I take lots of inspiration from tarot, astrological iconography, old masters and old Roman jewels. I love working with myth as a way to springboard an idea. 


What is your workshop luxury?

Audio books. I work alongside my 2 year old half the week and it makes for quite a challenge to get peace and quiet. But when I do, I race through audio books that help inspire my work. 


Your favourite studio lunch?

Boiled egg, coleslaw and life-changing bread. I recently went gluten-free and make this bread weekly. It’s delicious and so full of protein. 


Best spot in the British Isles?

The Marshes, north Norfolk. So much dreaming space there, water that appears and disappears, marsh lavender and so much sky. 


What do you find challenging about being a creative?

Time. I have three small kids, so I sneak in time around hanging out with them and making motherhood as fun as possible and not stressing out about making. But when I am relaxed I get the best ideas, so it all feeds into the pot. 


What would you like to learn next?

Sand casting. I have some wonderful mama-makers who sandcastle their pieces from home and I would love to experiment with that and the exciting and organic shapes that come from this process.


How do you let your hair down?

Going to the beach. I live very near the beach and try to get there whatever the weather. Getting the salt wind on my skin. 


What are you listening to at the moment?

So much Prince. Each song is a story, a myth, an epic. This guy had creative bones, skin, hair. I wish I’d seen him live.  


What makes you feel well chuffed?

When someone reaches out after receiving a piece from Ritual Studio. I love hearing feedback, I love seeing the jewels on peoples skin. 


What is your fave recipe?

Life-changing bread and also Hemsley bone broth. 


Who is your biggest inspiration? 

My Dad. He’s an artist and a creative life-force like nothing you’ve experienced. He’s tried his hand at everything and everything in his world is part of his art. Whether it’s making bread in the morning or hiking out over the Dorset hills to paint a narrow way.


What is your fave item on The Chuffed Store? 

I love the Darn Scarves. Especially the Violeta. Such gems of colour. I have one, and I treasure it dearly. 


Spring, summer, autumn or winter? 

Summer. I am a summer baby. As little clothes as possible, please. 


And, lastly, one question you would like us to ask the next Meet the Maker….? 

What would you do with one spare day?