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Who are you, where are you from and what do you make?

Hi! I’m Bella, I’m a designer and maker. I have a background working as a prop and puppet maker for theatre and film. I’ve designed this unique range of wooden toys inspired by my love of woodwork and bringing objects to life.


I grew up in Stroud in the West Country. This past year I got itchy feet after lockdown and have been hopping all over the place, living in London and now studying Design in Bristol.


What inspires you?

I get inspired by a broad range of things! It all hangs together and constantly evolves. Right now I’m into folk art, Japanese woodwork techniques, modernist furniture and the bold colour palette used in retro toys. I like to walk around cities and soak up window displays but I get most inspired when I’m walking my collie dog Oscar or on holiday doing nothing, that’s when all the new ideas come flooding in!


What is your workshop luxury?

Peanut butter and fancy coffee.


Your favourite studio lunch?

Pad Thai.


Best spot in the British Isles?

I’m obsessed with remote places, so it’s got to be the Isle of Mull in the Hebrides.


What do you find challenging about being a creative?

I sometimes find it hard to switch off, because I’m so invested in what I do. I’m often thinking about projects on the weekend and answering emails in the evening. I’m learning to become more disciplined with switching off because I know how important downtime is.


What would you like to learn next?

I would like to learn more traditional woodwork techniques, become more intuitive when using 3D software and talk to other small business owners about how to make products in a sustainable way. (I would also like to speak better French and learn to jive!)


How do you let your hair down?

I run with my dog, drink wine with friends and recently I’ve been doing ice baths which has been incredible!


What are you listening to at the moment?

I’m a big podcast consumer, at the moment I’m listening to Lex Friedman and Adam Buxton. The music I’ve got on is Kokoroko, Frazey Ford and Niki and The Dove- You Want the Sun. 


What makes you feel well chuffed?

A bit of joinery that fits perfectly together. Pottering around my studio when I don’t have a deadline on, and big walks in the countryside (with a pub on route). 

Photographs by Carmel King