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This drink packs a punch and gets you ready for a Christmas party in no time. In our house we always divide roles, so that we’ve got all bases covered and to try and eliminate room for tensions to build. Usually my Nonna (Grandma) wants a G&T as close to 12 noon as possible, this gets things going as you might expect if you have ever seen how much Gin she sticks in them! This year we oversee cocktails, and for sure this Campari sour will feature on the menu. It looks incredible, tastes great and packs a punch for any start to a good party. 

For the bay and rosemary sugar syrup:
70g of sugar
70g water
Good palm full of rosemary and 4 bay sprigs

Mix all in a pan and place on heat until sugar dissolves. Leave for a couple of minutes and then remove from the heat and let the pan sit and herbs to infuse into the syrup. Strain and you’re ready to go. Any leftovers can be put in a jar and placed in the fridge till the next making session.

Now for the cocktail:

30ml Campari 

30ml Sweet Vermouth (I used Turin from The Aperitivo! Co here in Bristol)

30ml Gin  

15ml – 30ml bay and rosemary sugar syrup 

30ml lemon juice

1 egg white 

Splash of fresh orange 

Rosemary and lemon garnish 

Add all the ingredients into a cocktail shaker and shake it. Feel free to adjust to your taste, levels of sugar for instance. Then add ice, shake again, and pour over a strainer into a glass. Garnish with the lemon and rosemary. 

You could also try this with grapefruit and lime. Happy cocktail making!

Great served with Gilda Pintxos. Boquerones or anchovies, manzanilla olives or otherwise and small Guindilla pickled peppers.